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ROC Action Results Memo

ROC Action is a national organization of more than 100,000 workers, employers, and consumersorganizing for better wages and working conditions in the restaurant industry. Through theircoworker-to-coworker model they seek to mobilize restaurant workers, millions of whom arewomen, youth, and people of color, to build long-term, collective power to create change.


In 2018, ROC Action partnered with Analyst Institute to test the effectiveness of their relational voterturnout program as a part of the Directed Research Fund. This Fund was created by AnalystInstitute, Civic Innovation Works, and Civic Innovation USA to advance new learning and supportgroups doing scalable, innovative relational voter contact work.


To build their program, ROC Action used their One Fair Wage campaign to recruit 2,912 championsin Michigan. Using MyRVPList, champions mapped their networks, each listing an average of 5contacts to build an experimental universe of 14,198 targets. Notably, ROC Action’s relational voterturnout program reached a significantly larger scale than any relational voter turnout programstudied with a randomized controlled trial prior to the 2018 cycle.


The main results of the test are as follows:

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