Workers Protest Low-Wages Threaten Holiday Walk-Outs; Ending Subminimum Wage Only Way To Save Holiday Dining and Entire Industry

The holidays are a big season for celebrating with friends and family at restaurants. However, because law makers in 43 states and at the federal level have failed to act to end the subminimum wage and raise wages for restaurant workers, protests threaten to roil the holiday dining season.
Consumers should be aware — and to avoid disruptions, should prioritize dining at “high road restaurants” that pay a full, fair minimum wage with tips on top. This number has grown, since in response to the staffing crisis. Now over 400 restaurants have raised their wages to pay a full minimum wage with tips on top.
Consumers need to prepare for holiday disruptions to dining and, in addition to patronizing “high road restaurants,” press their favorite dining establishments to raise wages and support One Fair Wage legislation. That’s the only way to level the playing field for all restaurants, bring back workers and save the restaurant industry.